Generalities of the Americas

Generalities of the Americas

America is called like that because Amerigo Vespucci was the first person who realized that the Spaniards didn’t arrive to Asia. America is divided into four sections, today we are going to know about the political division of those sections.

North and America Central:

Canada: Ottawa El Salvador: San Salvador
United States: Washington Nicaragua: Managua
Mexico: Mexico D.F Costa Rica: San Jose
Belice: Balmopan Panama: Panama
Guatemala: Guatemala City Honduras: Tegucigalpa

South America:

Colombia: Bogota Paraguay: Asunción
Ecuador: Quito Brazil: Brasilia
Peru: Lima Suriname: Paramaribo
Bolivia: La Paz Guyana: Georgestown
Chile: Santiago Venezuela: Caracas
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Uruguay: Montevideo

The Caribbean:

Cuba: La Habbana Trinidad y Tobago:Port of Spain
Las Bahamas: Massau Granada: St. Georges
Jamaica: Kingston St. Vincent and the Grenadines :Kingtown Sta. Lucia: Castries
St. Baesseatre: Pasatear Barbados: Kingstown
Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo Anguilla y Barbudos: St. Jones
Haiti: Port Prince

Differences about America Central and Central America

Most people think that America Central and Central America are the same but this is false.

· Central America: Were the five countries that belonged to the Capitalia General de Guatemala: Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
· America Central: Were the five countries of the Capitania General de Guatemala plus Belize and Panama.
So this is the different between America Central and Central America.

Sources used to write these post.

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